Monday, January 28, 2008

Site Plan

1 comment:

enno said...


Nice job with animating the entire site with the inspired geometries! Your building design will validate the forms.

The black background is a bit distracting and downplays the visual interaction (which you highlight in the analysis) between in and outside when it should be one of the key features (as part of your theme). Use either the roof plan or use a "Nolli" plan strategy (showing inside and outside spaces of Rome in plan).

The program legend is helpful, although there is enough space in the drawing to directly label the spaces. You may want add lables that refer to your topic or add similar graphics that you used in the analysis.

You also need a "concept" board that explains the basics of your approach. The site plan might be part of this, but you are still missing some key information about your theme.

Nice progress- keep going!