Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Second Floor Plan


enno said...


Good start with this conceptual diagram. You can now make it into "real" plans by showing the levels separatly and adding the plan layout within the building.

The bridge over the water basin, which is still too big I think, seems clucky and I am not quite sure what it connects. When you indicate entrances, vertical circulation in the building and program elements in the plaza you will have lots of opportunities to weave these into a meaning fabric of relationships.

Overall I have the feeling that you are composing an abstract 2D painting - which is in fact a good departure point - but now you have to massage the geometries to make sense in terms of spaces, movement, context, program, and most of all how these different spaves visually relate to each other (this is your topic after all)!

Next week we'll focus on sections, which will help you adjust the plans.


MCS said...

I have to know what program you are drawing your boards in! Your presentation is fantastic! The boards read so clearly - you have an incredible way with your graphics! Looking forward to the progression of your project!

PS. My sister-in-law is moving to Homer, AK. Is that anywhere near you? Have any advice/tips for a new Alaskan resident? (Her husband is in the Coast Guard)

Chris Parker said...

Well sounds good. I'll be putting my energy into developing these elements. Thanks for the feedback. Michelle, I use CAD to draw the plan and plot it to a PDF then open it in Photoshop and render it which takes a lot more time but does much better than CAD. or at least thats what I think. Take it easy.

Curtis said...


Whats up! You are tazing us with those graphics bro, they are great. I am just gonna start calling you "Kandinsky" .

Your sections showing the actual spaces I think will be interesting, and the type of skin you use to enclose this piece of art will only emphasize the "act of watching and being watched" if it is done correctly. I am sure it will be done correctly knowing you. Some type of skin that will allow you to watch but not be seen in some places may also be very interesting. Like some kind of screen where people can sit and eat.

I am not sure I understood your comment on my board completly, what did you mean when you said,"I wish it had a hard slant in it showing your perception needed to change".



MaloyMark said...


Nice presentation, this old dog has to learn a few new trick. Like how the shapes and forms play with the space and help the compostion of the space to draw one into it. Looking forward to watching project develop.

Chad R. Kohler said...

Chris –

Your plans are looking good.

My only comment is the elevator. It seems to me that it is not in the right place. It is on the fore front of the building. I think that space should be something else. Maybe a smaller stair. I would try to push the elevator back a little because of the dominant structure that it is.


PS – It is in the 60’s today. Go figure. Don’t you worry though, it will be back in the 30’s by the weekend. I know what you are thinking too… “Wow, how does Chad put up with temperatures that cold. 30’s!?!?!” HAHAHA